FPA New Member Profile: Flexcon Company, Inc.

Flexcon Sees Sustainability as Key to Having a Positive Impact

FPA New Member Profile: Flexcon Company, Inc.
Digital Exclusive

Editor’s note: The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) continually looks for new members and has been ramping up those efforts in recent years. This “FPA New Member Profile” feature is part of an occasional series by FlexPack VOICE® to recognize new members.

For the past few years, FPA has been recognizing companies that hit milestones as FPA members, which is one of the main topics in the November/December 2024 edition of FlexPack VOICE®.

The organization’s membership categories include academic, associate, converter, international converter, and trade press, with supporting member categories added in 2024. (A list of new members through July can be found below).

In this installment, FlexPack VOICE® talks to Dan Riendeau, strategic business unit director of packaging at Flexcon Company, Inc., based in Spencer, Massachusetts.

Flexcon produces coatings, film laminations, and functional technologies, including medical device adhesives. The family-owned business was founded in 1956 and serves various markets, including packaging, healthcare, transportation, consumer durables, industrial, and retail, according to its website.

FlexPack VOICE®: Tell us a bit about your involvement with FPA and why it is important for your company to have that representation.

Dan Riendeau: Although Flexcon is new to FPA, we are not new to flexible packaging. As a manufacturer of pressure-sensitive label substrates, our materials are applied to flexible packaging either as functional closures or brand/information carrying labels. We feel it is important to work with FPA to gain industry insights and for the incredible networking opportunities. We look forward to collaborating throughout the value chain, participating in industry events, and leveraging the opportunities this tremendous association offers.

FPV: What do you see as the major issues this year that affected your business, especially as it might pertain to flexible packaging?

DR: Sustainability, which has impacted multiple areas of our business, continues to be a major opportunity for Flexcon. From a flexible packaging product perspective, we are seeing an increase in demand from brands for completely recycled flexible packaging solutions, especially in the wipes market. Many brands are moving away from rigid lids and looking for reclosures that meet the performance and sustainability characteristics consumers require. The challenge of meeting the market requirements for sustainability and performance has resulted in successful collaboration throughout Flexcon’s entire valuechain—from our suppliers to customers—ensuring we are delivering the appropriate product solutions.

FPV: What do you think will be the primary issues in 2025?

DR: As we look to 2025, the primary opportunities will be aligning sustainability goals. I would expect more and more brands to prioritize their sustainability goals, making sure their infrastructure and suppliers are aligned to support and meet those goals. Consumers also are holding brands to a higher standard when it comes to transparency, convenience, and customization. It will be imperative for Flexcon and other material suppliers to have the right solutions to meet the needs of consumer demands.

FPV: Talk a bit about your sustainability efforts as they pertain to flexible packaging.

DR: In 2024, Flexcon released our first Sustainability Impact Report, which presented the goals and actions we’re taking to meet those goals. These holistic goals focus on ensuring we are making a positive impact on our community, society, and environment. Flexcon has made commitments to reduce our waste to landfills by 90%, reduce natural gas and electricity usage by 35%, and reduce our greenhouse gases by 35% by 2028. We recognize these goals are ambitious, but the teams we have in place are focused on executing and moving the needle to make a change.

We also partnered with a third-party innovation and product design agency to generate a market research report, gaining consumer insights on the perceptions of sustainable packaging, recyclability, and what consumers consider to be the most important aspects when considering purchasing packaged food, beverages, and personal care products.

This year, we also have a cross-functional team working on developing and launching our next generation of sustainable labels for the flexible packaging market.

Thomas A. Barstow is senior editor of FlexPack VOICE®.

Sidebar: FPA Members New in 2024 Through July