Each year, Printpack company associates in Atlanta and Villa Rica, Georgia, raise money for the Atlanta Heart Walk, an event of the American Heart Association. Jimmy Love, president and CEO, is committed to a matching gift from the Love Foundation based on monies raised by associates. Other plants in the U.S. and the U.K. participate in their local Heart Walks, as well.
The Gay and Erskine Love Foundation, funded primarily by contributions from Printpack, makes charitable grants to a broad range of educational, human services, religious, arts, and health-related institutions and agencies, according to the company website. Since its inception in 1976, The Love Foundation has given gifts totaling over $53 million to more than 500 national and local organizations.
During the pandemic, the company donated material to a facility that used it to make face shields. The company also produced intubation hoods for a local hospital to use over patients (to protect nurses and doctors) and produced face shields to ship to those in need, using personal 3D printers and materials from the plant.