AeroFlexx Announces Collaboration With European Manufacturing Company

AeroFlexx, the flexible packaging company that launched in 2018 in the United States, will be collaborating with Chemipack, a company based in Poland that supplies liquid concentrates for a variety of applications, including household and personal care products, industrial fluids, and wet wipes.

“The collaboration enables AeroFlexx and Chemipack to address industry demand and critical packaging initiatives by bringing an innovative and sustainable liquid package format to the European market,” the companies said in a news release. “AeroFlexx’s flexible packaging is designed to serve as an alternative to rigid bottles and solve the challenges of shipping liquids in the e-commerce channel.”

The packaging eliminates as much as 85% of virgin plastic used and can be curbside recyclable where plastic bottles are accepted. The packaging will help to address a proposed European Union policy announced earlier this year to reduce packaging waste and ban single-use plastics by 2030.

The announcement follows AeroFlexx’s expansion into Asia announced earlier this year.

“We are proud of the continued success of the companies we’ve created,” said Bill Haskell, CEO of Innventure LLC, which own AeroFlexx, in a statement. “It is great to see AeroFlexx, a company using technology we sourced from our multinational partner Procter & Gamble, gain traction in Europe.”

Innventure says it uses operational expertise to take breakthrough technologies sourced from multinational corporations to market. In the process, Innventure builds and scales companies around these technologies using a systematic, quantitative, and repeatable analysis.

Innventure has launched three such companies since its inception: PureCycle Technologies, AeroFlexx, and Accelsius.

PureCycle became a publicly traded company in 2021. As of the end of 2023, Innventure owns less than 2% of PureCycle, according to the company.